Legumes can be fresh, dried or preserved.
Fresh legumes, characterised by their high water content, with hydrosoluble vitamins and mineral salts, are rich in nutrients and a low calorie intake; when frozen, they preserve all the nutritional properties of the fresh product with a very slight loss of hydrosoluble vitamins and mineral salts. Dry legumes are the most caloric due to their higher concentration of proteins, carbohydrates (low in soy) and lipids (low in all legumes except soy). Most legumes, such as chickpeas and lentils, are found only dried.
Preserved legumes – canned, in glass jars or packaged – easy to use and to store, and keep intact all the organoleptic characteristics of the dry legumes, guaranteeing their nutritional benefits and saving cooking time.
Show product [Chickpeas] [Beans] [Peas] [Lentils] [Soybeans]